Gsmartbanking – Online Banking With DPS & Loan

Gsmartbanking – Online Banking With DPS & Loan
₹25,000 – ₹50,000Additional information
Software Framework | PHP – Laravel, MySQL, Android Studio, Java |
Hosting Space | Unlimited |
Hosting Server | Cloud Linux |
SEO | Yes |
This is a Complete Banking system comes with Investment DPS & Loan Management system. Its Built to be beautiful, fast and powerful. It comes with minimum banking features like account account statements, branchs, DPS, Loan, Complete User Management system, Credit/Debit Facility and more.
User Features:
Cross Browser Optimized Design.
Latest News, FAQ, Contact.
Easy Signup / Signin.
Secure User Dashboard.
Own bank Transfer.
Others bank transfer.
E-currency Methods.
Fixed Deposit Package (DPS).
Fixed Deposit History.
Loan Package.
Loan History.
E-Deposit Facility.
Complete Account Statement.
Automated Deposit Method.
Account Setting.
Multiple Branches.
And More….
Admin Features:
Secure Admin Dashboard.
Branch Management.
Other banks Management.
Loan Management System.
Loan Package.
Loan Request Management.
Investment / DPS Package.
Investment History.
Min/Max DPS Feature.
User Balance Debit Facility.
User Balance Credit Facility.
Website Settings.
General Settings.
Charge Settings.
Email Settings.
SMS Settings.
Facebook API Management.
Deposit Management.
Latest News Management.
Transaction Management.
withdraw Management.
User Management.
Interface Control.
Newsletter Management.
Advertisement Management.
Language Management.
And More….
It also Comes With:
- Secure Database that uses prepared statements so no SQL Injection!
- Protects against CSRF attacks!
- HTML Filter to protect against XSS attacks!
- Built using the latest Strong LARAVEL Framework.
- Passwords are encrypted By bcrypt encryption.
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